
So instead of doing this post tomorrow like I had planned I'm doing it now for the following reasons unrelated to the actual events, which occurred
  • I was deathly ill last night and therefore got no sleep which means studying would prove unproductive right now
  • I'm bored bc I can't study bc I'm tired
  • I enjoy blogging so it's a good thing to do when I'm bored.
So here we go:

September 11th 2001 - where were you?

Me, I was in bed still when the first plane crashed into the first tower. It was a little before 6 am pst I believe. I remember waking up in between crashes and my mother telling me there was an 'accident' in New York, a plane crashed into a building. So I went into their bedroom where the tv was on and saw the mishap of fire and dust and craze, but then as if out of a Hollywood production on terror came another plane right before us and struck tower number 2. We stared blankly and then in a dry tone my dad said this is no accident..........
Mind you my mum works for the Federal Govt and we were like: Are you seriously going to work!? She responded, well I wasn't notified otherwise. Of course upon arrival they sent her home. Oh my mum ever the responsible woman. That morning changed it all, for awhile.
I took the bus to school (the 5 big blue bus, haha) and everyone and I mean EVERYONE, was in some sort of state of shock and maybe denial with a hint of a zombie look on some of us. Can you blame us? I mean we live in the USA, there are NO terrorist attacks here, we have no idea what it's like to live in a state of panic/fear... well not until that day. Ever since then everything and anything that seems strange is suspect and therefore it is something to fear. It's funny though bc I know many countries actually encounter terrorist attacks on a day to day basis, but for us the thought was so foreign that it's become a phobia.
September 11th.... LAX turned into a ghost town... can you imagine of all places to be a ghost town, LAX is definitely not the first place you think of. Well it was empty with not a soul in sight. No flights coming in or out. The federal building in Westwood was surrounded by military force. For a long time any time there was a plane in the sky at viewing distance ppl would just stare, I almost think subconsciously. Bc of the events people turned very "patriotic," which is definitely not American like. (Don't argue with me, bc you know in comparison to other countries, it's true.) I mean no one ever even sings the national anthem, for G-d's sake, I'm pretty sure no one knows all the words unless they "have to" bc they're going to preform it. But, I digress, the fact of the matter is it was something unheard of and not plausible for us to fathom in theory let alone in reality.
Here are some pictures below... note they may be graphic although I'm trying to pic not so graphic ones.
 World Prout Assembly

Propaganda Matrix

Alright... I think you all already go the jest of it. Let's pray for the ppl who passed away in that awful way ...and for the ppl they left behind. If you don't believe in a G-d...then just keep them in mind. ♥

For frame of reference the images were selected not bc of the websites they came from but bc those were the ones that appealed to me. So if you so choose to click their links remember I only linked to give credit for the images, since they are not my own. 

9.10.2010 at 11:42 AM

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